基本單字 Basic Vocabulary
緊急狀況 - Emergency
意外 - Accident
醫院 - Hospital
救護車 - Ambulance
醫生 - Doctor
護士 - Nurse
急救 - First Aid
/furst eyd/
症狀 Symptoms and Illnesses
生病 - Sick
發燒 - Fever
流感 - Flu
受傷 - Injury
疼痛 - Hurt
流血 - Bleeding
頭昏 - Faint
頭暈 - Dizzy
骨折 - Broken Bone(s)
/broh-kuhn bohn/
扭傷 - Sprain(ed)
呼吸 - Breathing
治療 Treatments
幫助 - Help
繃帶 - Bandage
手術 - Surgery
藥品 - Medicine
藥丸 - Pills
例句 Example Sentences
我剛剛出了意外, 你能帮我叫救護車嗎?I just had an accident. Can you send an ambulance?
Q: 您的身體一切都好嗎?Is everything okay?
A: 不,我頭很暈而且在發燒,我想我可能是感冒了。 No, I am feeling dizzy and having a fever. I think I may have the flu.
我扭傷了腳, 現在很痛。I think I sprained my ankle, It really hurts.
Q: 這有什麼治療方法嗎?Is there anything I can do to get better?
A: 我們可以開一些藥給你。We can prescribe you some medicine.